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Starry Eats

[English] 이마트 연어회 소포장팩으로 연어덮밥 만들기


Hello Cuties! 귀요미들 안녕! A few days back, I went to emart (이마트) near my workplace to pick up some fresh sushi-grade salmon to make salmon avocado rice bowl for dinner (저녁으로 연어덥밮). I discovered this single-serve packaged fresh salmon (소포장된 연어회) a year ago. Funny thing is, whenever I go to emart after work for discount prices, this item is always here. Which makes me think, I guess people dont really know about this product? Not really complaining since it means more for me! Anyway, let's dive into the details.


기본 정보: 위치, 가격

It's in the fish corner (생선 구역). and it costs 10,000 won. (가격은 만원)

이마트 연어회


장점: 이 상품을 좋아하는 3가지 이유

Zero-waste (unless you're tiiinnyyyy)

I don't see myself buying costco salmon (코스트코 연어), since they sell in bulk, only. The problem with that is that there is always leftover salmon, and leftover salmon tastes bad, unless you re-package them with something like a vaccumm sealer machine

Yeah, I don't have one of those.

I end up throwing over half of it in the trash (반은 음쓰로...)


Double sealed...for fresher taste? LOL don't know really what it is for, but it makes it more trustworthy somehow...


Contains mini soy sauce and wasabi packets

소포장 간장과 와사비도 있어 따로 준비할 필요 없음


The green packet is wasabi.


The red is soy sauce.

If you're just in it for the sushi, then no more preparation is needed.


Discount prices near closing time (마감시간 할인)

Normally this item is 10,000 won...and that's pretty expensive for a single meal. But near closing time, there's usually a 30% discount (마감할인).


For salmon-avocado rice bowl, you need some room temperature rice (실온 상태 밥), peeled and sliced avocado, and miso soup. The layers are rice, then salmon/avocado.

Pretty simple, right?


팁: 보관방법

Stock up on these (여러 개 사 그냥), and toss them in the freezer(냉동실행), and it basically extends its shelf-life to forever. (JK but really for about a month more...) When you're ready to eat it, pull one out a couple hours before and stick em in the fridge to thaw (먹기 몇시간 전 냉장고에 해동). It should taste as good as the day you bought them. (그럼 천국의 맛)


글을 마치며

What rice bowl dish do you like? (여러분들은 어떤 덮밥을 즐겨 드세요?)

and what do you think about these expensive, yet convenient single served packages? (이런 비싸지만 편리한 소포장 식품에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요?)

Let me know!

